Author: naturenewmills
Gardening with Nature New Mills Trail
Come and see beautiful gardens in New Mills that are full of butterflies, frogs, newts, insects, hedgehogs and birds. The private gardens will be open 12.00 – 4pm Saturday 13th July.
Help Rewild Mousley Bottom: Saturday March 30th, 10am-12
Come and sow native wildflower seeds. Meet at Central Station Car Park. Wear Boots and Gloves. Bring a spade, a fork, a rake if you have one.
Bring & Share Social: Rock Mill Centre, Sunday March 24th, 5-7pm
Get to know other people. Share ideas of how we can help local nature. Help plan this year’s programme. Bring food and share if you wish. Label food for sharing in case of allergies. Tea and coffee provided. Children welcome.
Take Part in Our Survey
This short survey will help us understand better how people living in and visiting New Mills feel about nature. This will help us plan future activities and track progress. The survey is completely anonymous and no details identifying you are collected. Please complete the survey only once.