Nature New Mills works with a large number of other organisations, including:

High Peak Green Network

Collaboration of local environmental groups to help tackle the climate and nature emergencies, particularly through lobbying, sharing learning and mutual support. Nature New Mills attend Biodiversity sub-group meetings.

New Mills Town Council

Council looking after local parks, including the Torrs, Goytside Meadows and Community Orchard, and undertaking contracted maintenance work. Nature New Mills collaborate with the Town Council on land management, for example to control himalayan balsam in the Torrs.

New Mills Walkers are Welcome

Community group to promote and facilitate good walking opportunities in New Mills. Nature New Mills collaborate with WaW offering a number of walking-based events.

Incredible Edible New Mills

Incredible Edible New Mills aims to encourage growing our own food by holding regular gardening club activities for all the family.

High Peak Borough Council

Council responsible for developing a Nature Recovery Plan and reacting to the climate emergency declaration, as well as undertaking contracted maintenance work. Nature New Mills work with the Biodiversity Officer on a community response to help nature, and influencing HPBC’s management practices such as use of glyphosate weedkiller.

Friends of the Goyt

Facebook group to protect the rivers in the Goyt catchment area, and look for opportunities for rewilding them.

Rock Mill Centre

A community and visitor centre to celebrate and enjoy everything New Mills, with a particular interest in our local wildlife and history. Nature New Mills regularly use the centre for events such as our drop in and quarterly bring and share socials. The centre also has its own nature group, which work with Nature New Mills on various projects.

Mersey Rivers Trust

The Mersey Rivers Trust is a charity working in partnership with all those interested in improving our local rivers and waterways. As a member of the national Rivers Trust movement, it is the Rivers Trust for the River Mersey and its catchment.

Beardwood Natural Living Project

Local project to promote access to the countryside and to provide a community resource for all, in such a way that people can connect with nature and get active in a green environment as a way of boosting physical and psychological wellbeing and to encourage healthy sustainable lifestyles. Beardwood Natural Living Project host one of Nature New Mills’ developing Community Tree Nursery Sites.

Woodland Trust

Charity for supporting and protecting UK woodland and nature.

Derbyshire County Council

Council responsible for highways and rights of way; Nature New Mills are working with the High Peak Green Network on improving verge mowing regimes.

One World Festival

Popular annual event in High Lea Park celebrating the themes of peace, the environment, cultural diversity, community and world development. Nature New Mills regularly have a stall here.

Derbyshire Swift Conservation Project

Charity to promote the conservation of the Common Swift in Derbyshire by raising general awareness of the declining status of this species, identifying and protecting existing nest sites and by encouraging the provision of additional nest sites across the county. Inspiration for our own local swift project.

New Mills Festival

New Mills Festival is a community festival. The Festival is fuelled by community spirit, supported by volunteers, businesses, artists, performers and creative thinkers. The Festival brings together the many groups and organisations in the town as a celebration of community, culture and arts.

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

Organisation protecting wildlife and wild spaces in Derbyshire with the support of volunteers and members, with 55 Nature Reserves across the county (including Watford Lodge and Broadhurst Edge woods in New Mills) and countless conservation and wellbeing projects. Nature New Mills works closely with DWT in support of the Wilder Peak project and local reserves in particular.


Charity restoring, protecting and caring for nature, in particular birdlife

The Mersey Forest

Organisation working together to create woodlands and help people explore the nature on their doorstep. Although primarily in Merseyside and north Cheshire, Nature New Mills have worked with Mersey Forest to help plant trees for flood management at strategic sites on Ollersett Moor.