Woods in New Mills, High Peak

Keep in touch

Bookmark this page and check the news and events sections regularly. Join our Facebook or WhatsApp groups. Email us at nature.newmills@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions

Meet up

Come to a monthly drop-in session at the Rock Mill Centre, have a snack and a chat at one of our quarterly ‘Bring & Share’ socials, pop in at our stall at community events, or come along to the Spring Annual General Meeting

Spread the word

Talk to your family, friends, neighbours, school, workplace, social groups about wildlife; what you’ve seen, what you’d like to do, and how you might do it. Share social media posts, put up a poster on your premises.

Join in

Whether it’s a Nature New Mills led project or one run by someone else, there’s a range of activities to suit everyone, from guided walks to litter picking, surveying and recording sightings to planting trees. Keep an eye on our news and events pages for opportunities

Start something

Got a good idea to help nature? Don’t wait for someone else – just get stuck in otherwise it might never happen! Nature New Mills can help you develop your ideas, find others who are interested, publicise it, and help with funding