The beautiful gardens of New Mills are full of butterflies, frogs, newts, insects, hedgehogs and birds.

The Open gardens trail is to inspire and encourage you to do the same in your space, no matter what size.

Open Garden Trail 2025
What is in store for Nature New Mills Garden Trail 2025?

In 2025 we want to make the garden trail bigger and better.
If you have any feedback let us know
How can your garden be part of Nature New Mills Garden Trail 2025?

We welcome any gardens or spaces that also welcome wildlife. Your space can be large, small or even a door step.
Email: ksharples7@gmail.com to ask any questions or nominate your garden
What will you need to do?
- Be willing to open your garden on the day of the trail 11am – 5pm
- Complete a risk assessment
- Send a short description of your garden to be included on the website and trail map

Previous Open Gardens
Open Garden trail 2024

July 13th 2024 was the second open gardens trail.
This included private gardens, organisations and wild spaces.
New Mills Secondary school and Ollersett allotments also had their open days
Sunday 14th July there was a wild flower walk from Rock Mills Centre

Nurtures Nature Event 2022

Over a weekend in May 2022, Nature New Mills organised an event to raise public awareness of the biodiversity crisis and how individuals can help to reverse the decline in plant and animal species in the local area.
There were events in NM town hall and on the Prom, guided walks in Goytside meadows and Mousley bottom nature reserves and a nature trail in the town. Up to 100 people attended and visited nature-friendly private gardens and public spaces.
The weekend was featured in the August edition of Derbyshire life.
The event was organised in conjunction with New Mills Festival, Walkers are welcome, NM natural history society, Incredible edible and was sponsored by Sustain Video and DCC councillor Ann Clark.