Category: Blog

  • Swifts to Soar!

    Swifts to Soar!

    We’re thrilled to announce we’ve successfully applied for grant funding to further our work supporting swifts and other red-listed birds in the High Peak. High Peak Borough Council were offering grants to community groups with projects that can make a difference as we face the nature and climate crisis. Nature New Mills made a strong…

  • River Ecology Workshop: Rock Mill Centre, Thursday October 31st, 11am – 3pm

    Fun drop in session to explore the ecology of our local rivers. Examine mini beasts from the River Goyt and Sett. Fun activities, learn more about our local rivers. Family friendly.

  • Bring & Share Social: Rock Mill Centre, Sunday November 17th, 5-7pm

    Get to know other people. Share ideas of how we can help local nature. Help plan this year’s programme. Bring food and share if you wish. Label food for sharing in case of allergies. Tea and coffee provided. Children welcome.

  • New Balsam Bashing Dates

    New Balsam Bashing Dates

    Working parties to help control invasive Himalayan Balsam in nature sensitive areas. Sunday 7th July, 10:30 to 12:00, Mousley Bottom, meet at DCC Rangers Hut. Wednesday 10th July, 19:00 to 20:30, The Torrs, meet at Torrs Hydro. Saturday 20th July, 11:00 to 14:45, Mousley Bottom. Social bash with picnic and cake (13:00-14:00 near the reed…

  • Swift Walk

    Swift Walk

    8pm, Sunday 7th July 2024 Celebrate our summer visitors and learn how to help them succeed. Come and watch them feeding, playing and nesting.Appx 1.5 hour walk, can be step free.Meet at Rock Mills Centre, New Mills.

  • New Balsam Bashing Dates

    New Balsam Bashing Dates

    Working parties to help control invasive Himalayan Balsam in nature sensitive areas. Saturday 22 June, 10:30 to 12:00, Mousley Bottom, meet at DCC Rangers Hut. Wednesday 26th June, 19:00 to 20:30, The Torrs, meet at Torrs Hydro. Sunday 30th June, 10:30 – 12:00, DWT Watford Lodge reserve Gloves, long sleeves and boots recommended, although we…

  • Gardening with Nature New Mills Trail

    Gardening with Nature New Mills Trail

    Come and see beautiful gardens in New Mills that are full of butterflies, frogs, newts, insects, hedgehogs and birds. The private gardens will be open 12.00 – 4pm Saturday 13th July.

  • Balsam Bashing in Mousley Bottom, Sunday 9th June 3-5pm

    Balsam Bashing in Mousley Bottom, Sunday 9th June 3-5pm

    Working party to help control invasive Himalayan balsam along the footpath by the river in Mousley Bottom.Meet at DCC rangers hut for briefing at 3.00pm or find us later along the path. Gloves, long sleeves and boots recommended, although we have a small number of spare gloves for loan.

  • BioBlitz, New Mills Community Orchard, Saturday 25th May, 10am-3pm

    BioBlitz, New Mills Community Orchard, Saturday 25th May, 10am-3pm

    Come and discover what lives in the orchard. Drop in on Saturday 25th May, 10am-3pm

  • Help Rewild Mousley Bottom: Saturday March 30th, 10am-12

    Help Rewild Mousley Bottom: Saturday March 30th, 10am-12

    Come and sow native wildflower seeds. Meet at Central Station Car Park. Wear Boots and Gloves. Bring a spade, a fork, a rake if you have one.